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Ron Paul Talks About SOPA And The NDAA Bill At N.H Airport Hanger Rally
Ron Paul Talks About SOPA And The NDAA Bill At N.H Airport Hanger Rally
Ron Paul Talks At N.H Airport Hanger Rally
Stop NDAA! Stop SOPA! Vote Ron Paul!
Ron Paul Talks About the PATRIOT Act, SOPA & PIPA
Ron Paul on SOPA and NDAA 2012
Ron Paul NDAA And SOPA
Ron Paul NDAA Martial Law SOPA no Speech ∞ No Bill of Rights Due Process Trial Evidence
Ron Paul talks about the NDAA
Ron Paul explains his opposition to the NDAA 12/19/11
Ron Paul on SOPA CNN SC Republican Debate 1/19/12
Ron Paul on SOPA: "They Want to Take Over the Internet!"